The Reliable Company Certificate is a confirmation of the stable financial situation of the undertaking, high standards of management and staff and the undertaking’s membership in the group of respected and well-known companies. What is most important, this programme is an assessment and verification not only by experts but also by business partners and consumers. The purpose of certification is to confirm the company’s honesty, reliability and timeliness in commercial and consumer contacts.
The certificate is not awarded to random companies – a three-stage verification system selects from among the candidates companies that respect the principles of free competition, consumer rights, promote pro-social activities and strengthen economic patriotism. The certificates are therefore proof that the company is recommendable, transparent and above all honest.
The evaluation jury is composed of, among others, representatives of the Government, Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, state administration, professional or territorial self-government, heads of banks, organizations, enterprises and media supporting the transparency of economic turnover and other persons of public trust.
Once again, we are very proud of the award we received. It invariably proves that our company is a trusted business partner and a reliable and honest employer.